

Agrupamento de Escolas de Moure e Ribeira do Neiva (AEMRN)

Agrupamento de Escolas de Moure e Ribeira do Neiva (AEMRN) has an autonomy contract with the Ministry of Education. This has a set of goals that involve the implementation of a Strategic Action Plan in which the promotion of the success is the priority dimension of the organisation. The present project aims to solve some of the breaches that have been detected while preparing the autonomy contract and that can be solved by training our staff. Our cluster of schools is located in Vila Verde’s municipality, Braga’s district.

Faik Erbağı Secondary school

Faik Erbağı Secondary school, founded in 1969 is one of Ankara’s oldest and long-established schools and has been serving within the regulations of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Turkey with the understanding of the need for continuous improvement, acquired school experiences enriched by scientific and technological innovations that are reflected in the medium of education, and the fostering of enlightened generations who internalize the principles and revolutions of Atatürk. Our school was named after retired Colonel Faik Erbağı as he donated its building site and constructed as a two –storey building with 13 classrooms including a special training one and it serves over 600 students guided by 45 teachers.

Ud’Anet Ltd

Ud’Anet is an Italian-based technological spin-off founded in 2005 from the “Gabriele d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara (Abruzzo Region, Italy). The company is oriented to didactic innovation, constantly facing new challenges and seeking new goals by means of innovative methods and ICT based tools. E-learning technologies, mobile applications, portals, web games and multimedia products are the company’s core offer to our target clients.

Ankara İl Millî Eğitim Müdürü

Vefa Bardakcı, 01.12.1967 tarihinde Konya’nın Kadınhanı İlçesinde doğdu. Konya Kadınhanı İlçesinde ilk ve ortaöğrenimini tamamladı. Öncelikle Selçuk Üniversitesi Niğde Eğitim Yüksekokulu ardından İzmir Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Eğitim Yöneticiliği ve Deneticiliği bölümünden mezun oldu. Eğitim Yönetimi ve Denetimi yüksek lisans mezunu olup, doktora çalışmaları devam etmektedir.

Centre For Education And Entrepreneurship Support (CWEP)

Centre For Education And Entrepreneurship Support (CWEP) is an non-governmental organization founded in 2004 by group of entrepreneurs, teachers and social activists from Rzeszów. CWEP cooperates with businesses and educational institutions. Mission of CWEP is to increase the quality of education training at all levels and in all its forms as well as to promote entrepreneurship in order to foster integration of any social group regardless of gender, age and ethnic origin. CWEP has experience in organising a complex support for people at different stages of their lives, from childhood to elder age and supports victims of violence, not only on informative level, but more importantly on material support level. A number of conferences devoted to the violence-related topics were organised locally and regionally. By organising specially designed trainings, CWEP has helped victims of violence in social reinsertion.